Fall Gathering
Oct. 18 - 20, 2024
Help pitch in, enjoy camp, fellowship together
WHAT: While CAMREC nurtures each of us it also needs our care. Help maintain CAMREC's facilities and prepare it for the winter ahead! A variety of projects will be available for all ages, abilities, and interests. There will be plenty of time to catch up with friends, connect with new folks, get in a few card games and go on a hike or two! There will also be committee meetings going on throughout the weekend including a board meeting Saturday.
Examples of Projects to Choose from:
Organize skis, snowshoes, outdoor game equipment
Chop firewood with hydraulic wood splitter
Clean & maintain fire places
Treat chapel interior wood w/ oil
Deep clean all buildings
Burn brush piles
Winterize plumbing
Prep tubing run
Wash windows
Interested in volunteering for a few more days? If you are interested in participating on a volunteer work team arriving as early as October 14, please express so on your registration. Potential projects would depend on participants' experience. Some project examples could be:
Repair heated sidewalk
Seal floor gaps in cabins
Repair lodge plumbing & drywall
Replace jet pump in pumphouse
Remove cabin screen doors & repair
Build new trail signs and/or new camp sign
Deep clean & touch up original staff house above the camp office
WHO: People of all ages are welcome so bring your family and friends to enjoy a volunteer work-weekend in nature together.
COST: Lodging is FREE and food will be donation based with a suggested amount of $20 per person.
FOOD: A menu and ingredients will be provided by camp for 4 meals starting with Saturday breakfast and ending with Sunday breakfast. All participants are encouraged to take a turn helping prepare meals, setting up for them, and cleaning up after them. A sign-up sheet will be provided on-site. If anyone in your group has any dietary needs, please make note of them on the registration form.
Work clothes & shoes, work gloves
Optional: rake, loppers, wheelbarrow
WHY: Your volunteer support and involvement is what keeps Camp CAMREC whole and Washington Mennonite Fellowship connected!
REGISTER: on this page to assist us in our preparations. If you have any questions or would like to register a different way, email Brisa at director@camrec.org or call us at 509-548-7245.