Get Involved at CAMREC!
it takes many hands and minds to keep Camrec running, and we are so thankful for each of you!
Ways you can help:

Join as Summer Staff
Every summer we seek staff with a desire to enrich the lives of youth through recreation, fellowship, and worship of our Creator in an outdoor setting
There are many ways to be involved! From helping at our two annual workdays to volunteering with our summer programs as a Bible teacher, nature or crafts leader, cook, or medical staff!
Click the button above to learn more and see how you can get involved through volunteering!
At Camrec we are in a landscape of ongoing change and development! We hope to continue growing programs and facilities that can meet the needs of the church and communities engaged and connected here. Your financial giving is what makes this possible! Thank you!!!
Click the button above to learn more about the impact you can make through financial giving!
Another great way to give is towards our wishlist below!
Items in new or good condition welcome!
Check out our Amazon Wishlist: https://a.co/8RUIhsJ
Corelle dinner plates and bowls
Snowshoes & Cross Country Skis
All-terrain vehicle for use on grounds and trail maintenance (current golf cart is on last legs)
Special sewing project: We would like to put cushions on some of the benches in the lodge.
Another one of our wishes is for you to sign up on our mailing list >>>