Camp For All Ages
Labor Day Weekend 2024
Aug. 30 - Sept. 2
What: Do you ever wish you could experience CAMREC as a camper just like the kids do during summer? Now is your chance! Come out with your family or friends to enjoy a multigenerational gathering including optional outdoor games, campfire songs, nature hikes, water games, a variety show, star gazing, friendly cabin rivalry, faith discussions, and other opportunities. You are welcome to join us for as little or as long as you are able to between August 30th and September 2nd. Check out out our suggested schedule here.
This year the Washington chapter of Mennonite Disaster Service will be collaborating with CAMREC and the Cascadia Prescribed Burn Association to offer presentations and workshops on natural disaster prevention and response. All weekend and day participants are welcome to join our following highlight events:
Available all morning: Tour of MDS' First Response Trailer & the PBA's equipment
11:00 - MDS Annual Meeting- business
12:30 - New House Dedication & Lunch
2:30 - Living With and Responding to Wildfires - presented by Carlene Anders, Chair of Long-term Recovery in Okanogan.
​3:30 - Connecting our Communities through Land Stewardship & Disaster Prevention - presented by Brisa Peacock, Director of Camp CAMREC.
4:00 - Prescribed Burns - A nurturing path toward resiliency - presented by the Cascadia PBA.
6:00 - Dinner
Sunday Morning:
Chainsaw Workshop & Service Project (prescribed burn prep)
OR First Response Tools Workshop
OR Build Bird Houses
Sunday Afternoon​
Games / Hikes / Water Activities​
Who: All ages are welcome!
Registration: Register using the link at the bottom of the page. The sooner the better so that camp staff can plan for the event!
Suggested Fee (includes 7 meals & lodging for 3 nights):
$110 Ages 13 & up
$80 Ages 6 - 12
$50 Ages 3 - 5
Free for Ages 2 & Under
*If you will participate for less than 3 nights, please adjust the fee however you see fit.
*If cost is a concern, please only give what you are able.
*If you would like to contribute more, that will help support CAMREC's future!
Check in: Anytime Friday afternoon, August 30. Snacks will be provided but not dinner so please plan accordingly. If you need to arrive on a different day, just let us know on your registration!
Check out: Monday afternoon, lunch will be the last prepared meal. If you need to leave on an earlier day, just let us know on your registration!
Meals: Camp will organize a menu and provide ingredients for all meals and snacks. All retreat participants are encouraged to take a turn helping prepare meals, setting up for them, and cleaning up afterwards. Participants may sign up on a rotation schedule upon arrival.
What to bring: Bedding (sleeping bag/single sheets), pillow, towel, flashlight, weather appropriate shoes and clothing.
Optional items to bring: Bible, binoculars, instruments, journal, book, craft/sewing/art projects, bicycle, games, day pack, work clothes, swim wear, etc.
Please email Brisa at program@camrec.org or call the camp office at (509) 548-7245